Kearsarge Youth Hockey Association

KYHA 2023-24 Player Registration



Welcome to our Online Registration for the 2023-24 season! Please read through the following information and fill out the forms as best you can.

We are now excepting registrations for all ages participating in GSL (U8 - U14).  Learn to Skate and Learn to Play registration will open later this summer/early fall.  

You will need a SportsEngine account to complete your registration.  If you do not have one, you can create one below.


Tuition Rates for 2023-24 Season

Age Group Birth Year Tuition
Learn to Play (2016 thru 2019) $75 (Dec - Jan Session)
Mite (U8) (2015, 2016)* $350
Squirt (U10) (2013, 2014) $475
Peewee (U12) (2011, 2012) $525
Bantam (U14) (2009, 2010) $550

* Younger players may participate with Board of Director/Coaches approval based on a player's skill level and skating/hockey experience and space on the team


Please direct questions to:

Will Diamond

VP and Registrar

Phone: 603-410-7655